In Calgary, we have a population of 1.2 Million people and about 383 plumbing companies servicing the market. To choose the right Plumbing company to serve your particular needs, first, we have to consider what type of building you are dealing with? Some companies just do residential! Some have bigger equipment and are more capable when it comes to challenging situations like in commercial properties.
Interestingly most of those 383 plumbing companies in Calgary claim to do drain clearing as well, but where the heck is all the equipment to do the job properly? Because a clogged drain will often require a commercial vehicle in the form of a large Vac truck or perhaps a different heavy unit with Flushing capabilities. So, when it comes to saving the most amount of money and time, it is best to hire a specialized company.
There’s a big difference between clearing a drain in a House Vs clearing a drain in a Restaurant. Look, any plumber can go and rent an auger from Home Depot to clear a residential line. However, the type of equipment needed for a greasy restaurant pipeline is specialized.
We get a lot of calls here at Pronto from customers who have been through several plumbing companies and are still having issues after spending a ton of money and wasting a bunch of time. But once we come out, it’s problem solved! We have lots of experience in the field of Plumbing and Drain Maintenance. Here is a link to our contacts page:
Out of those 383 Plumbing companies, the majority are busy doing new construction and renovation work by drilling holes, pulling pipe, hooking up fixtures, and things of that nature. There are about a dozen specializing in Drain maintenance, and to really boil it down in Calgary there are only 3 to 4 that can guaranteed do the job.
So, keep that in mind, especially if you’re dealing with a flooding emergency!