Residential Services

Kitchen Sink overflow
Faucet replacement
Video drain inspections
Hydro Scrubber
Emergency service
Frozen pipe Thawing
Plumbing repair
Plumbing diagnosis
Leaky pipe repair
Plumbing system maintenance
Backflow preventer Install
Cleanout installation
Residential Kitchen Sink Repair
Kitchen Sink Stack Clog Calgary
The situation with your kitchen sink drain may seem frustrating, and understandably so. You might be wondering how long it took for this predicament to arise, and it's worthy of note that the answer lies with the passing of a significant period of time. It can take many years, sometimes even decades for the inside diameter of the pipeline to become caked in layers of grease, fats, and oils, to accumulate. Eventually completely restricting the flow of wastewater through the pipes. During this period, there would have been a consistent flow of food debris, cooking oils, bacon fat, and soaps travelling through the p-trap of the sink, accumulating and gradually building up until it can no longer handle any more waste. However, there is no need to fret as our team at Pronto Plumbing is fully equipped and competent in tackling these sorts of challenges. So, pick up your phone and give us a call to book services today!
As a rough guestimate, how many kitchen sinks would say Pronto has augered to clear blockages over the years?
Pronto has augured thousands of kitchen sinks to clear blockages over the years. Actually, it's probably closer to ten thousand kitchen sinks if you think about it. For example, we often get apartment building maintenance assignments to auger 30 sinks in a building, and yearly we do at least 8-12 buildings! Plus, thousands of residential kitchen sink clearing jobs come in throughout the year.
Plugged Kitchen Sink?
Pronto Plumbing technichans use the latest technology and techniques to make sure your pipes drain properly and completely every time. If necessary, we video inspect your clogged kitchen sink with our fiber-optic cameras, and even provide you with the recorded video. At Pronto Plumbing, we want to earn your trust and provide you with everything you need to know to prevent a clogged kitchen sink in the future.
Do You Have a Clogged Kitchen Sink?
Over time, a kitchen sink stack can accumulate fat, oil and grease build-up resulting in sewer backups. A regular maintenance program for kitchen sink stack cleaning completed every 3-5 years is necessary to clear the accumulation. We specialize in restoring the flow of these stacks by feeding a drain cleaning machine from the top of the stack all the way down into the house sewer main. This way the entire stack is cleaned thoroughly and any build-up is removed. We are kitchen stack cleaning experts who know how to complete this procedure for your home. Call Pronto Plumbing for service today.
Things you should know about Kitchen Sink Stack Maintenance before hiring the right contractor for the job.
1) Reaching the destination. A professional sewer services company recognizes the importance of reaching the end of the kitchen sink stack all the way to
the parkade overhead sewer main. This is important because lots of debris and grease will be knocked loose and released during the cleanup process
and it all has to flow somewhere. For example: the sink stack is usually 1.5 to 2 inches diameter pipe coming down vertically from the top floor to the
basement where it will take a series of bends to turn horizontal and then connect into the parkade overhead sewer main which is a larger pipe 3 to 4
inches. It is absolutely crucial to reach the larger pipe otherwise debris could wedge at one of the bottom bends and will plug the pipe eventually and
cause water damage to a bottom floor unit by sink overflow. (This is the reason why we position one team member in the parkade to listen for the auger
cable reach its necessary destination). Total distance can be anywhere from 20 feet to 75 feet.
2) Using the right equipment for the job. Because distance needing to be covered varies, a good sewer contractor uses Sectional Augering machines
instead of the commonly used Drum Machines used by most of the plumbers. A sectional auger machine is much more labour intensive to use however
it is much more effective at clearing the pipes because the RPM is high, and if longer distance is required we simply add more sections. So, be aware of
the Drum machines, although they are very easy to use they are low RPM and are limited in how far they can reach. The commonly used drill pack type
drum machine is the worst-case scenario because it can only cover 25 feet. Refer to illustration #1on last page.
3) Potential problems to overcome such as straight Ts, and double Ys. A very common problem is when the auger cable does not go down with gravity as
it should. Instead it can hit a straight T connection to the stack and it will go up towards the roof. Another similar issue can be a Double Y connecting two
kitchen sinks together into the stack; in this case the auger cable just skips across the Double Y and literally tries to come up the neighbour’s sink instead
of going down the stack. An experienced Drain Tech will feel the skipping by the way the cable reacts, and by the rattling sounds coming from inside the
pipes. In most cases it is possible to navigate through these bad fittings by feel, and by using special Drop Head cutter attachments. Also, a good sewer
contractor keeps small specialised sewer cameras on hand to help get through the hard ones. Refer to illustration #2on last page
4) Running Water. It’s surprising how many Service Men in the industry do not take the time to make the extra effort to run water during the Augering
procedure. When there is no c/o installed under the sink the P trap has to be taken off to be able to gain access to the pipe. So taking off the P trap takes
away the ability to run the faucet so almost all plumbers and drain techs will just auger it dry. This is a problem because hot water is required to be
flowing through the pipe in order to wash away the grease and debris that is being knocked loose. Pronto Inc. has a strict policy to make sure water is
always being used and the technicians use a little hose bypass device to hook up from the faucet to the drain while running the proper auger machine
through the stack and once the job is done we always install a cleanout between the P trap and the wall (if fits) for future proper access.
5) Having the cupboard under the sink counter top cleared. The home owner is required to remove all clutter from under the kitchen sink cabinets and
place them in an area where it’s out of the way of the service technicians. For thorough and time-efficient service we need a 2 meter radius clear space
around the work object (the sink)
6) Drop sheet from the door to the kitchen. A good sewer contractor covers the floor with drop sheets from the front door of the unit all the way to the
kitchen sink work area. We use a small pickup truck full of clean drop sheets for this purpose.
7) Making sure to leave the work area clean, it’s a dirty procedure. The auger cable comes back wet and covered in black muck. This black muck sprays
around due to the auger cable spinning, and there is no way around it because clean pipes result in dirty cables. Luckily the water flow does help to clean
much of it off while the cable is being pulled back however a good contractor is well prepared to disinfect and cleanup inside the cabinet.
8) There is a certain sequence to follow. A lot of people have the misconception that starting from the top floor is a good way to go about it. Going from
the top floor first could flood out the bottom floor easily because the kitchen sink stacks are more restricted at the bottom by grease that has caked on
the sides of the pipes in layers therefore a 2-inch stack probably is restricted down to about ¾ inch pathway for the water flow specially at the last few
elbows before entering the main. Releasing a bunch of debris from the top floor could mean disaster for the bottom floor. Therefore, an experienced
contractor has specific ways of doing it. For example, a 4 stories building would first be serviced from the second floor to parkade, and then from the 4th
floor to the second floor. Taller buildings often require the bottom to be done several times to make sure the debris can freely flow out.
9) Fixing leaks. Sometimes the P trap or sink basket can develop a leak from it being worked on. You would be surprised to know how many drain servicing
companies do not have the parts or the ability to fix these leaks, they do a good job at clearing the drain and then leave a slightly dripping P trap under
the sink. Plumbers on the other hand might do an excellent job at sealing up the pipes yet a lot of gunk might be left behind in the stacks. Pronto Inc.
shines best in both worlds and our trucks are well stocked and technicians trained for this type of work